vibe 是一個英文俚語,意思是「氛圍」或「感覺」。它通常用來形容一個場景、地方、人或情境所散發出的情緒或氛圍。例如,你可能會說某個酒吧有很好的 "vibe",表示那裡的氣氛很舒適、有趣或有活力。這個詞也可以用來形容個人的情緒或心境,例如「我今天沒有好的 vibe」意味著我今天情緒不佳或感到煩躁。總之,vibe中文是一個用來描述感覺、情緒和氛圍的俚語詞彙。
這個咖啡館有著輕鬆愉快的氛圍,是一個放鬆身心的好地方。This coffee shop has a relaxed and pleasant vibe, making it a great place to unwind.
這部電影的音樂營造出一種神秘而詭異的氛圍。The music in this movie creates a mysterious and eerie vibe.
昨晚的派對真的很熱鬧,大家都盡情享受著歡樂的氛圍。Last night's party was really lively, everyone was enjoying the festive vibe.
這個城市有一種獨特的文化氛圍,吸引了很多藝術家和創作者。This city has a unique cultural vibe that attracts many artists and creators.
這首歌的節奏和旋律給人一種輕快的感覺,讓人難以抗拒。The rhythm and melody of this song give off a lively vibe that's hard to resist.
這家新餐廳的裝潢設計營造出一種時尚且現代的氛圍。The interior design of this new restaurant creates a stylish and modern vibe.
我喜歡在海灘上度假,那裡的放鬆氛圍讓我感到平靜和快樂。I love vacationing at the beach, the relaxed vibe there makes me feel calm and happy.
這個音樂節的現場氛圍非常瘋狂和充滿活力。The live atmosphere at this music festival is crazy and full of energy.
那間咖啡店的環境十分溫馨,給人一種家的感覺。The ambiance of that coffee shop is very cozy, giving it a homely vibe.
他是個很有正能量的人,總是能帶給周圍的人一種積極向上的氛圍。He is a very positive person who always brings a positive vibe to those around him.