以下是 ABS中文意思的20筆例句。
ABS 是一種非常耐用的塑膠。
ABS is a very durable plastic.
ABS 常用於製作樂高積木。
ABS is commonly used in the making of LEGO bricks.
ABS 是丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯的縮寫。
ABS stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene.
許多汽車配備了防鎖死煞車系統,也稱為 ABS。
Many cars are equipped with an Anti-lock Braking System, also known as ABS.
ABS 塑膠具有良好的抗衝擊性。
ABS plastic has good impact resistance.
ABS 可以與其他材料混合,以改善其特性。
ABS can be blended with other materials to improve its properties.
許多3D列印愛好者使用 ABS 塑膠來列印物件。
Many 3D printing enthusiasts use ABS plastic for printing objects.
ABS 塑膠通常需要較高的溫度來加工。
ABS plastic usually requires higher temperatures for processing.
汽車的 ABS 系統有助於在緊急情況下保持控制。
The ABS system in cars helps to maintain control in emergency situations.
ABS 塑膠常用於製造電子產品的外殼。
ABS plastic is commonly used in making casings for electronic products.
防鎖死煞車系統 (ABS) 可以防止車輪在剎車時鎖死,定時進行ABS電腦維修檢查是否安全。
The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) prevents the wheels from locking up during braking.
ABS 塑膠的價格相對實惠,適合大規模生產。
ABS plastic is relatively affordable, making it suitable for mass production.
ABS 塑膠因其強度和耐用性而廣受歡迎。
ABS plastic is popular due to its strength and durability.
ABS 系統使用輪速感測器來監控每個輪子的速度。
The ABS system uses wheel speed sensors to monitor the speed of each wheel.
ABS 塑膠可通過注塑成型過程進行成型。
ABS plastic can be molded through the injection molding process.
ABS 系統可以增加在潮濕和滑的路面上的制動穩定性。
The ABS system can increase braking stability on wet and slippery roads.
ABS 塑膠在管道和管件中的應用非常廣泛。
ABS plastic is widely used in pipes and fittings.
ABS 塑膠是一種可回收的熱塑性材料。
ABS plastic is a recyclable thermoplastic material.
ABS 系統可以通過控制制動壓力來防止輪胎打滑。
The ABS system prevents tire skidding by controlling the brake pressure.
ABS 塑膠的耐候性較差,不適合長時間暴露在陽光下。
ABS plastic has poor weather resistance and is not suitable for prolonged exposure to sunlight.